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Collaboration with SOS Children's Villages International to design, implement, and monitor the first-ever global organisational ombuds for children. The Ombuds will (1) assist children, young people, staff or adults to resolve their concerns, and (2) bring systemic safeguarding challenges and concerns to the attention of the organisation for resolution. The Ombuds will work collaboratively with SOS Safeguarding to strengthen safeguarding across the federation.

Safeguarding and Ombudsperson Approach


Undertaking formative, participatory research to develop a deeper understanding of both the positive masculinities that men aspire to in their parenting and intimate relationships, and the drivers, cultural, social and gender norms that embed violence as a norm and perpetuate harmful behaviours and beliefs around power, gender and patriarchy. This research study seeks to hear directly from male community members about masculinity and factors that drive, exacerbate, alleviate or eliminate discriminatory norms and attitudes that normalise and perpetuate violence against women and children.

Consultancy to support Save the Children Papua New Guinea's ANCP Child Protection Project research


UNHCR Sport for Protection Evaluation - Rwanda

Evaluated UNHCR Sport for Protection programming for children in refugee camps and host communities in Rwanda.


Girls Decide: Life skills to protect and empower girls affected by migration and displacement

Girls Decide is a lifeskills curriculum which aims to empower and protect girls in situations of migration and/or displacement so that they have safer journeys and better outcomes. It is designed to be adapted and used in many different contexts, stages, settings, and situations (humanitarian and development).


Designed, developed, and implemented participatory action research on the impact of COVID-19 school closures on educational inequalities and child wellbeing in Colombia, Lebanon, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Research with children, families, and community, national and global leaders was conducted in partnership with national researchers and organisations.

Research on impact of COVID-19 school closures on child protection and education inequalities in humanitarian settings


Drafted the Report of the Secretary-General on the Girl Child for the 2021 UN General Assembly. The report looks at the implementation of the present resolution and assesses the impact of the present resolution on the well-being of the girl child. 

Secretary General's Report on the Girl Child


No Education, No Protection: What School Closures Under COVID-19 Mean for Children and Young People in Crisis-affected Contexts

Supported Phase 1 (secondary research and report) of the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergenices (INEE) and The Alliance for Child Protection for Humanitarian Action's study on the impact of COVID-19 school closures on child protection and education inequalities in humanitarian settings.


A gender analysis to strengthen existing programming for children affected by armed conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa

Protecting Children Affected by Armed Conflict in Sub Saharan Africa 2020-2023: Gender Analysis, Audit and Strategy


Challenging neglect from a systemic perspective: child protection in Gaza and Jordan

Developed and conducted participatory action research on the neglect and protection of children in two humanitarian contexts, Jordan and the Gaza Strip, in partnership with University of Bath and local organisations. The UK AHRC and FCDO-funded study examines local understandings of child protection and the steps families took to prevent harm. The research considered the role played by the main actors in this system as they worked to protect refugee communities, and examined both deficiencies and ways to enhance protection efforts in these settings.


Global Curriculum Program Design Consultant for Play to Learn Initiative

Developed curriculum for Sesame Workshop to guide the creation of global media content about key child protection and safety concepts, and advised on 'Father Engagement' approaches for use in humanitarian responses.


Proteknôn is scaling up the Sport for Protection Toolkit: Programming with Young People in Forced Displacement Settings. The resources include an Induction package, a Sport for Protection Toolkit, and  two simplified versions of the Sport for Protection Toolkit: one for National Olympic Committees and International and National Federations and one for implementing partners, such as national youth leaders and sports+ and +sports NGOs. The resources are being developed in English, French, Arabic and Spanish.

Sport for Protection Toolkit Expansion and Roll-out for the International Olympic Committee

Building capacity of prosecutors on child justice, gender and sexual violence

UNICEF Vietnam has commissioned Proteknôn to upport the Procuracy by developing and delivering capacity building in respect of access to justice for children and women survivors of gender-based violence. Proteknôn will also provide technical advice to targeted advocacy efforts on child and gender justice legal and policy reforms in Viet Nam.   


‘Menya wirinde’ (Learn so you can protect yourself) Chatbots: Empowering adolescents and caregivers to improve adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights (ASRHR) in Rwanda

'Developed, piloted, and evaluated 'Irinde-bot', a conversational chatbot with audio dramas and quizzes, to improve intergenerational communication and adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights  in Rwanda. Pilot successfully increased knowledge, empowered parents to have discussions with children, and raised adolescents' awareness of healthy relationships and risks.


Evaluated successful approaches and lessons learned in USAID Rwanda's Mureke Dusome programme, which promotes early grade reading through sustainable school-community partnerships.

Mureke Dusome Performance Evaluation

Plan International Canada has commissioned Proteknôn to provide technical support for "Plan for Girls" project that aims to place girls at the centre of its programme. 

Technical assistance on girl-led programming

Save the Children commissioned Proteknôn to develop a quick reference guide on cross-border coordination. This Quick Reference Guide is a practical guide for all stakeholders who hope to implement a government-led, cross-border coordination mechanism for the protection of children who are unaccompanied and separated while in situations of migration or displacement.

Cross-border protection of children on the move in East and Southern Africa: a quick reference guide for bilateral coordination

Terre des hommes, with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the International Olympic Committee (IOC), commissioned Proteknôn to develop a Sport for Protection Toolkit.

Sport for protection toolkit: programming with young people in forced displacement settings

Editing the 2019 edition of the CPMS

Proteknon was commissioned by the Terre des hommes on behalf of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action to edit the 2019 Edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.

Play on! A facilitator's guide to strengthening children's psychosocial wellbeing through toy-based play

Save the Children Canada commissioned Proteknôn to review existing good practices in play-based curriculums to enhance psychosocial wellbeing of children living in humanitarian settings and to design a facilitators guide for toy-based play. The guide was developed based on Spin Master toys in partnership with their global Toy Movement and will be piloted in Child Friendly Spaces at Dadaab Refugee Camp.


Gendered impacts of the Grave Violations Against Children in Conflict Research Paper

In-depth literature review to identify and analyse the gendered dimensions of the six grave violations of children's rights in armed conflict.


Words Matter: Review and Recommendations on Terminology Related to Children who are Sexually Exploited and Young Adults who Sell or Exchange Sex 

Proteknon was contracted by Plan International Sweden to assess the usage of different terminology in relation to “children and young people in the sex industry”, and the potential implications for Plan International in order to produce internal guidance. 

Safeguarding Guidance for NGOS: Definitions and report-handling mechanisms

Proteknôn worked with a steering committee of UK–based International NGOs, BOND and DfID to prepare resources to strengthen safeguarding report-handling mechanisms. Proteknôn developed three deliverables for the Safeguarding Summit, including:

  • Toolkit for developing an organisation-wide safeguarding report-handling mechanism”

  • “UK NGO Safeguarding Definitions and Reporting Mechanisms: Definition of key words”

  • Case studies to support training on safeguarding and reporting

Exploring sexual exploitation and abuse reporting mechanisms

Proteknôn was contracted by the Oxfam International High Level Independent Commission on Sexual Misconduct, Accountability and Culture Change for two research projects.  The first part involved producing 12 country reports. The second part involved in-depth community and survivor research in three countries.

Case management: supervision and coaching lessons learned report

The IRC contracted Proteknon to copy edit, translate and design this report on behalf of the Case Management Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action.


Mapping of  Tdh Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) interventions

Terre des hommes contracted Proteknon to develop reader friendly materials to present the main elements in the Mapping of TdH Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Interventions. 

Programme-informing study of plan international's integrated protection mobile service delivery

Plan International commissioned Proteknôn to undertake a four-country programme-informing study of its integrated protection mobile service delivery. The study sought to better understand how the delivery of multi-sector integrated programming models address the needs of conflict-affected, difficult-to-reach populations in Cameroon, Niger, Nigeria and CAR.

Study on parents’ and adolescents’ perceptions of love, sex and adolescent sexual and reproductive health

Girl Effect Rwanda commissioned Proteknôn to do formative research and to develop a change strategy to reduce the prevalence of early pregnancy and marriage in Rwanda. Based on the new evidence and our local expertise, Proteknôn developed strategic frames and recommendations to inform Girl Effect Rwanda’s Ni Nyampinga (and Baza Shangazi) strategy and content-creation process as well as future research and strategic partnerships.

HI 'safer schools, safer communities' project evaluation

Proteknôn Consulting conducted the final project evaluation of Humanity and Inclusion's ‘Safer Schools, Safer Communities’ project in six remote rural communities in Ethiopia. The evaluation took the form of an appreciative enquiry, paying particular attention to identifying perceived/most significant changes. Various methods were used to gather data to inform the evaluation and to make the process as participatory as possible. 

Global Workshop on learning, sharing and documenting long-term programming in contexts of armed conflict and violence

Plan International contracted Proteknôn to document a global workshop on programming in armed conflict and violence contexts.

Cash transfer programming and child protection in humanitarian action: review and opportunities to strengthen the evidence

The Cash Transfer & CP Task Force of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action commissioned Proteknôn to review the evidence, current practice, challenges, gaps and opportunities on child protection and cash transfers. The results support the development of a roadmap for strengthening the evidence base and identifying best practices.

Child neglect in humanitarian settings:
literature review and recommendations for strengthening prevention and response

Terre des hommes, on behalf of the CPMS Working Group of the Alliance for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action, commissioned Proteknôn to review CPiE definitions, including neglect, to inform the 2nd edition of the Minimum Standards for Child Protection in Humanitarian Action. Proteknôn conducted a literature review on child neglect in humanitarian settings and prepared a report on the definitions of abuse, neglect, exploitation and violence. 

Training of child protection actors on key competencies in caring for children in adversity and their families

Terre des hommes commissioned Proteknôn to develop a guide to train and strengthen the competencies of child protection actors in West Africa. The first part of the guide is intended for those who train child protection actors. The second part of the guide includes sessions on themes specific to Terre des hommes: systems approach, protective accompaniment of children on the move and restorative juvenile justice.

Guidance Note: Protection of children during infectious disease outbreaks

The Global CPMS Working Group commissioned Proteknôn to develop this guidance note for future child protection preparedness and response actions in infectious disease outbreaks. This resource aims to ensure that the knowledge and experience gained by child protection actors during past outbreaks can be used to improve the quality of future child protection responses in public health emergencies.

Enslaved in emergencies: a desk review on child modern slavery in humanitarian settings

Plan International UK commissioned Proteknôn to conduct a study on child modern slavery: to review the concepts and categories of modern slavery affecting girls and boys in global humanitarian contexts; to highlight lessons learned, information gaps and recommendations for prevention and response interventions; and to support humanitarian actors including policy makers, donors and technical advisers working on child modern slavery.  

Parenting Adolescents: UNICEF ECARO Regional Study on parenting and parenting programmes for parents/caregivers of adolescents

UNICEF commissioned Proteknôn to examine how the parenting of adolescents is understood, experienced and practiced and to analyse existing parenting programmes and initiatives in the middle- and upper-middle income countries in Europe and Central Asia. This report highlights parent strengths and competencies that contribute to positive adolescent outcomes while also drawing attention to areas of vulnerability that would benefit from parenting support.

Caring for boys affected by sexual violence

Family for Every Child commissioned Proteknôn to conduct a scoping study on sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour of boys. The study considered the influence of context, culture, families and alternative care settings in driving or preventing sexual abuse and harmful sexual behaviour of boys.

“Ubuntu care: confronting sexual violence against girls and boys including children with disabilities” advocacy strategy and action plan

Handicap International commissioned Proteknôn to develop a regional advocacy strategy to guide HI's future work in the areas of child protection, sexual/gender-based violence and disability within their Ubuntu Care project framework. Proteknôn developed tools to support consultations with children and a complentary literature review on sexual violence against children with disabilities.  

The Proteknôn Group is composed of:

Proteknôn Foundation for Innovation and Learning
Proteknôn Foundation

Proteknôn Rwanda

© 2017 by the Proteknôn Group

© 2019 by Proteknôn Rwanda

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Black Lives Matter. Proteknôn supports and stands in solidarity with those taking action to end racism against Black communities. Systemic racism profoundly harms children, young people and their families. Systemic racism is an obstacle to children reaching their full potential and accessing their fundamental rights, both now and in the future. Proteknôn will use the Black Lives Matter movement as a catalyst to reflect on and take action to combat anti-Black racism specifically, and racism more broadly.  Proteknôn will continue to work with children, families, communities, and duty bearers to end injustice and inequality. We remain committed to advancing the care, protection and wellbeing of children.

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