Technical support
Collaboratively-designed programmes and user-friendly technical guidance on:
child migration and forced displacement
child protection systems building
prevention and response to violence against children and child exploitation and abuse, including trafficking
justice for children
social welfare
alternative care
children affected by armed conflict, including CAAFAG
case management
community-based protection
social and behavior change/supporting social change
mental health and psychosocial support
child and young people's participation
prevention and response to gender-based violence
early childhood care and development; adolescent engagement
children with disabilities
inclusive education
education in emergencies
child rights-based, human rights-based approach and equity programming
Design Support
technical and copy editing
infographic design
video development
web and app development
Assessment, Evaluation and Research
child protection systems mapping and analysis
desk reviews and legal-policy analysis through a child rights, human rights and IHL lens
social impact assessments
KAP studies
child protection rapid assessment
situation and response monitoring
formative, summative, developmental, empowerment, impact and meta- evaluations
quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research
participatory and transformative designs
action research
child-centred and child-led research methods
Proposal Development
Proposals for:
Learning and Development
L&D needs assessment
L&D strategy development
blended learning development and facilitation
individual and group coaching
learning experience design
instructional design